Happy Friday!!!

Shelly saw this picture on my camera and said, "WHY DIDN'T YOU POST THAT?!?!?!?!?" So here it is. Just for you, Shells. Cause I love you so much!!
Tomorrow we're going to some shi-shi-la-la place in Apgujeong to get our hair done. Heidi's going with us. And then there's talk of some kind of fondue or something...I'm not sure what the plans are, actually. But I'm quite certain it'll be a blast!!!
More Pics From Big Rock Brewery

What Can I Say?

Canadians are starting to grow on me... :) This is one of the pics from the Big Rock Brewery taken last night. Good luck finding it - we had given up and then stumbled on it by accident while looking for a place to eat. Anyways,
if you can find it, the
beer is awesome.
im drunk. on a wendesday. but seriously its not my faukt. i mean fault.. its megans. tomorrow ill show you pictures as proof.
I went to the gym today on my break and had the worst run of my life. My stride was off, I had a side stitch which hasn't happened in years, and my ankles hurt. Both of them! That's never happened. I had a few miles in and wasn't trying to do a long run, so I gave myself permission to run for the remaining 3 songs on my ipod playlist and then call it a day, about 1/2 an hour shorter than usual. The last song was Easy People by The Nields, which I had spent all morning dancing to. I swear this morning, while grooving around, I had to hit the repeat button every 3 seconds. This afternoon I was like, "FUCK! When is this fucking song going to be fucking over?!?!?" It's amazing how long 31/2 minutes can seem sometimes.
Then I went back to work and ate an entire box of strawberry cream cookies.
And that was my day.
Thinking of March...
I just spent all morning dancing around to Easy People by The Nields. It was a good time. The only thing missing was my bestest friend, who should have been here dancing with me! I really cannot wait to see everyone back home in March!!!!

We had dinner at Geckos Friday night. I wasn't feeling too great, so I showed up late and left early and then pretty much spent the rest of the weekend in bed. Everyone else went to SoHo and got rowdy.
I just had a super yummy dinner with RL and seriously we're the best schemers (and dancers)
EVER!!!! I really cannot wait for our latest crazy plan to take shape!!! Only 19 more days!!
HAHA! We are going to astound the world (or part of Southeast Asia, anyway) with our evil geniusness!!!
ee cummings
Lately I've been reading alot from this guy. In fact, if anyone were wondering what to get me for the upcoming holidays (hint, hint) it would be a complete set of his poetry. Then I could read it all proper like, curled up in bed with hot chocolate, instead of sitting at my computer. Last night I stayed up too late reading all about his life and studying his poetry, and I think I emailed a few poems to people who could probably give a shit about it. Sorry.
Many of his poems blend the themes of love and nature, and I like that. This is another one I like...
Humanity i love you
Humanity i love youbecause you would rather black the boots ofsuccess than enquire whose soul dangles from hiswatch-chain which would be embarrassing for bothparties and because you unflinchingly applaud allsongs containing the words country home andmother when sung at the old howardHumanity i love you becausewhen you're hard up you pawn yourintelligence to buy a drink and whenyou're flush pride keeps you from the pawn shops andbecause you are continually committingnuisances but more especially in your own houseHumanity i love you because you are perpetually putting the secret oflife in your pants and forgettingit's there and sitting downon itand because you are forever making poems in the lapof death Humanityi hate you ee cummings

Remember my buddy Gwansic? He made a few appearances on my blog back in my early days, but then he left Korea to work and study in Australia. He was supposed to be gone until next year, but he came home early. He had some kind of reason for coming back, but I think it was because he missed me so much! YAY!!! He's back!!! I'm so excited!! I'll be even more excited in February when he comes back to Seoul!!
Welcome home buddy!!! Thanks for calling, it was lovely to talk to you!! I'll try to visit you in January!!!

Still life, circa 2006

Still life with pretzels, circa 5 minutes later