07 12월 2006

im drunk. on a wendesday. but seriously its not my faukt. i mean fault.. its megans. tomorrow ill show you pictures as proof.


At 3:13 오전, Blogger Doc Savage said...

Drunk blogging. Almost as much fun as drunk "Let's see who's number is in my cell phone" calling

At 4:51 오전, Blogger brownie said...

Drink for whining!

At 8:45 오전, Blogger Shells Bells said...

It's Megan's?? HAHA! What have you done to that girl??

At 9:07 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Just making sure my legacy lives on when I move out of this apartment!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

At 9:08 오전, Blogger Jes said...

ps - I'm ashamed to admit it, but I let her take me to a canadian bar. big rock beer is yummy!!!

At 11:04 오전, Blogger daeguowl said...

Am leavingfor Yaksu now look out for me from 12 onwards~

At 2:35 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

블로그 관리자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

At 10:35 오후, Blogger RLB said...

ha ha ha ha ha. Where's my drunk phone call!!?!


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