Deeper Shade Of Seoul
26 1월 2008
25 1월 2008
More Bruises...
I got totally smooshed by the elevator doors today. OUCH! I never even saw them coming!!! It didn't do much for my headache, that's for sure!
I left my phone at the bar last night. :(
Joel rescued it. It's the least he could do after I serenaded him with 'I'M ALL OUT OF LOVE' by Air Supply.
Joel rescued it. It's the least he could do after I serenaded him with 'I'M ALL OUT OF LOVE' by Air Supply.
24 1월 2008
Not telling who said these gems:1 month in a retirement home??? That's, like, 200 boys in Thailand!!! (in regards to caring for our parents)
I prefer's slipped more boys into bed than KY ever has!!!! (in regards to...well, you figure it out!)
Joel: I can't believe you're still single!
Me: I'm slightly cross-eyed and I have a lisp!! Of course I'm single!
Joel: hahahahaha! I didn't see you there cause one eye was looking out the window, and the other was looking at the bartender! And, I was drooling the whole time!
It goes downhill from there.
I'm drunk, posting from a bar...
You Guys Ever Do This???
I just bashed my teeth with my coffee mug. God, it fucking hurt!!!I'm just gonna take a moment to walk it off...
23 1월 2008
This morning I asked someone about a gift I gave them back around the holidays. Actually, I think I wrongly accused them of throwing my gift away. And the response???
if you give me something, regardless of what it is, i wouldn't throw it away.
HAHAHAHA!!! It has become my new purpose in life to test that theory!! Just wait until you see the shit I'm gonna send you!!!!! Looks like I'm off to Namdaemun soon! You can be expecting lots of Korean pop star items coming your way!!!
if you give me something, regardless of what it is, i wouldn't throw it away.
HAHAHAHA!!! It has become my new purpose in life to test that theory!! Just wait until you see the shit I'm gonna send you!!!!! Looks like I'm off to Namdaemun soon! You can be expecting lots of Korean pop star items coming your way!!!
I'm trying to pick a dress for a formal event I'm honored to be attending with GS in February. Can you guys believe someone would take me to a formal event?!? SUCKER!! ;)

Anyway, I think I have it narrowed down to these 3...which one do you guys think is best?
Regardless, I'll be doing alot of sit-ups between now and then. :)

I kind of like the first one, since the tassles will help make my tits look bigger...but the second one might be a bit more functional, since I could wear it again if I ever decided to get married...
I have to move soon. I have ALOT of stuff. How'd that happen?!? I downsized a bit earlier this morning by finally taking out a few pizza boxes, and tossing out all of Mic's crap. So, let's see...threw it out this morning...that means tomorrow I'll probably get a phone call saying he wants it all back. Too bad, so sad!
Think I'm gonna start my weekend early. Like tonight. If I stay home I'll feel obligated to clean and pack, and that's no fun! Think I'll just leave everything for my replacement to deal with. :)
Think I'm gonna start my weekend early. Like tonight. If I stay home I'll feel obligated to clean and pack, and that's no fun! Think I'll just leave everything for my replacement to deal with. :)
22 1월 2008
[1.] Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you kissed?
New Year's Eve at Bliss. It was ChanYun (I'm sure I spelled his name wrong). Afterwards, he said, "Sometimes I wish I liked kissing girls, but it really just makes me feel like throwing up." Haha. Guess that was our first and last kiss. :) Last real kiss with a non homo was at the park.
[2.] What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Waking up was pretty cool.
[3.] What’s the number one thing that turns you on the most?
[5.] Tell me where you got each article of clothing you’re wearing?
I have a fairly strict no clothes policy in my apartment.
[6.] What’s the closest thing to you that is brown?
Hmmm...strange question. I guess my eyebrows?
[7.] What would you change about your life right now?
Not a thing. I love my life, I love being me.
[8.] Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
I'd go with truth every time.
[9.] What’s on your bedroom floor right now?
My meditation cushion, a fleece jacket that I should hang up, and 1 sock.
[10.] Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
I don't remember. I don't really argue much.
[11.] Do you trust people?
Absolutely. Even people I shouldn't. I get burned on this alot, but what can I say? I'm a slow learner.
[12.] If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
If I moved away and no one asked any questions, I'd be kind of sad.
[13.] Have you ever been out of the country?
Yeah. A few times. ;)
[14.] Could you go a day without eating?
I could, but I'd be grumpy and irritable. I would certainly never do so by choice.
[15.] How much do looks matter to you?
Not at all, really. Kindness matters.
[17.] When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Oh God, don't even get me started on haircuts in Korea.
[18.] Would you rather be mad or sad?
[19.] Does it take a lot to make you cry?
No. Not at all. I cry all the time. I am without a doubt the most emotional person I have ever met. Wait until you guys see what my emotions are currently setting me up for!
[20.] What’s the best feeling in the world?
Being me.
[22.] Are your parents strict?
Not anymore...I'm 31 years old.
[23.] Do you tell your parents everything?
No, but there's nothing I wouldn't tell them.
[24.] Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
A fish. A big, blue whale. :)
[25.] Name fears you have...
I have an extremely irrational fear of revolving doors. I have to pause, psych myself up, take a deep breath, and rush through them. I avoid them if at all possible. I also have a fear of being unlovable. It makes me cry and call Joel at odd hours, so I don't think about it too much.
[26.] If you need to go to the store a block away, do you walk or drive?
I haven't driven a vehicle in 2 years.
[27.] Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Nope, though honestly I don't think about it much.
[28.] How many kids do you want?
None while I'm single.
[29.] What’s your favorite color to wear?
Whatever's not dirty.
[30.] Who was the last person in your bedroom besides you?
My coworkers. Diane, Jeff, and Justin. I made them watch Charlie the Unicorn, and they haven't been back since...
[31.] What are you doing tonight?
hopefully I'll get some sleep.
[32.] Would you rather be rich & sad or poor & happy?
these questions are so dumb.
[34.] What would you do if you found a dragon egg?
Make an enormous egg sammich.
[35.] Do you get bored easily?
[36.] What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you?
ask to borrow my chapstick.
[37.] Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger?
Yeah. To Lisa. Which is not a name I really like now. I got it out of my system when I named one of my cabbage patch kids Lisa.
[38.] Do you wish you were famous?
Not even a little.
[39.] Do you make a wish at 11:11?
[41.] Who’s the last text message you received from and what did it say?'s from Joel and it says "I have a great idea how about a movie night/slumber party this weekend?"
[42.] What are you freakishly obsessed with?
[44.] Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online?
I don't like shopping.
[45.] Can music effect your mood?
[46.] What piercings do you want?
[47.] What tattoos do you want?
Secret. :)
[48.] Have you ever been in a cave?
[49] Have you ever eaten a bug?
Yes. Intentionally and unintentionally.
[50.] Are you holding back telling someone how you really feel about them?
Nope. Not my style. People usually know exactly where they stand with me.
[Editor's note: in reference to question #3 - by 'Lance Armstrong', I actually meant GLF. Especially because he still has both nipples. Happy, now?!?]
New Year's Eve at Bliss. It was ChanYun (I'm sure I spelled his name wrong). Afterwards, he said, "Sometimes I wish I liked kissing girls, but it really just makes me feel like throwing up." Haha. Guess that was our first and last kiss. :) Last real kiss with a non homo was at the park.
[2.] What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Waking up was pretty cool.
[3.] What’s the number one thing that turns you on the most?
Lance Armstrong.
[4.] Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
Hmmm...I wouldn't say I'm a morning person, but I always sort of feel like I've wasted the day if I sleep too late.[5.] Tell me where you got each article of clothing you’re wearing?
I have a fairly strict no clothes policy in my apartment.
[6.] What’s the closest thing to you that is brown?
Hmmm...strange question. I guess my eyebrows?
[7.] What would you change about your life right now?
Not a thing. I love my life, I love being me.
[8.] Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
I'd go with truth every time.
[9.] What’s on your bedroom floor right now?
My meditation cushion, a fleece jacket that I should hang up, and 1 sock.
[10.] Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
I don't remember. I don't really argue much.
[11.] Do you trust people?
Absolutely. Even people I shouldn't. I get burned on this alot, but what can I say? I'm a slow learner.
[12.] If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
If I moved away and no one asked any questions, I'd be kind of sad.
[13.] Have you ever been out of the country?
Yeah. A few times. ;)
[14.] Could you go a day without eating?
I could, but I'd be grumpy and irritable. I would certainly never do so by choice.
[15.] How much do looks matter to you?
Not at all, really. Kindness matters.
[17.] When was the last time you had your hair cut?
Oh God, don't even get me started on haircuts in Korea.
[18.] Would you rather be mad or sad?
[19.] Does it take a lot to make you cry?
No. Not at all. I cry all the time. I am without a doubt the most emotional person I have ever met. Wait until you guys see what my emotions are currently setting me up for!
[20.] What’s the best feeling in the world?
Being me.
[22.] Are your parents strict?
Not anymore...I'm 31 years old.
[23.] Do you tell your parents everything?
No, but there's nothing I wouldn't tell them.
[24.] Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
A fish. A big, blue whale. :)
[25.] Name fears you have...
I have an extremely irrational fear of revolving doors. I have to pause, psych myself up, take a deep breath, and rush through them. I avoid them if at all possible. I also have a fear of being unlovable. It makes me cry and call Joel at odd hours, so I don't think about it too much.
[26.] If you need to go to the store a block away, do you walk or drive?
I haven't driven a vehicle in 2 years.
[27.] Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Nope, though honestly I don't think about it much.
[28.] How many kids do you want?
None while I'm single.
[29.] What’s your favorite color to wear?
Whatever's not dirty.
[30.] Who was the last person in your bedroom besides you?
My coworkers. Diane, Jeff, and Justin. I made them watch Charlie the Unicorn, and they haven't been back since...
[31.] What are you doing tonight?
hopefully I'll get some sleep.
[32.] Would you rather be rich & sad or poor & happy?
these questions are so dumb.
[34.] What would you do if you found a dragon egg?
Make an enormous egg sammich.
[35.] Do you get bored easily?
[36.] What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you?
ask to borrow my chapstick.
[37.] Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger?
Yeah. To Lisa. Which is not a name I really like now. I got it out of my system when I named one of my cabbage patch kids Lisa.
[38.] Do you wish you were famous?
Not even a little.
[39.] Do you make a wish at 11:11?
No, but I wish on stars.
[40.] When you’re at the beach, do you swim or lay out more?
Depends on the beach.
[41.] Who’s the last text message you received from and what did it say?'s from Joel and it says "I have a great idea how about a movie night/slumber party this weekend?"
[42.] What are you freakishly obsessed with?
[44.] Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online?
I don't like shopping.
[45.] Can music effect your mood?
[46.] What piercings do you want?
[47.] What tattoos do you want?
Secret. :)
[48.] Have you ever been in a cave?
[49] Have you ever eaten a bug?
Yes. Intentionally and unintentionally.
[50.] Are you holding back telling someone how you really feel about them?
Nope. Not my style. People usually know exactly where they stand with me.
[Editor's note: in reference to question #3 - by 'Lance Armstrong', I actually meant GLF. Especially because he still has both nipples. Happy, now?!?]
More From Saturday...

21 1월 2008

A bunch of us met up for Shelly's birthday celebration on Saturday. I won't tell you her new age, but I will tell you that she's older than me! HA! We had dinner at a new Mexican place in Sinchon called On The Border. It was good. Joel and I walked in, and the cute little Korean hostess yelled, "Hola!!!!!" and I said, "I think the 'H' is silent! Just saying!" I was surprised to see Beaker there - I hadn't seen him since...well, since he said he never wanted to see me again. Cam was so proud of me for being nice, and I felt like such a good person. :) Anyway, here's a few pics of the dinner portion of the evening. Shells was super happy with Max for telling the staff it was her birthday. We all got to wear sombreros! After dinner we went to Club Oi in Hongdae, and pics of that will be coming at you later.
I can't sleep. It's 4 a.m. That means it's gonna be a sucky Monday morning. Wish I had known insomnia was gonna kick in tonight...I would've stayed with GS to watch the football game that was being shown at 3 a.m.
In other news: 3,444.92 is my new favorite number. It replaces my former favorite number, which was, of course, Pi.
In other news: 3,444.92 is my new favorite number. It replaces my former favorite number, which was, of course, Pi.
20 1월 2008
-_- <----- ANGRY FACE
Sometimes people say some stupid fucking shit when they should just man up and be honest. Really?!? You wouldn't care? That better turn out to have been a bullshit statement. Fucker.Delta H3/Timber's Promotion/Friday Night

Itaewon, Yongsan Korea
2000(I) 18 JAN 08
References. OnOn CREDO as follows:
Time Zone Used Throughout the Order. INDIA
Task Organization. No Change.
1. SITUATION. DELTA HASH conducts a HASH in order to promote our HASHing night vision capabilities, water weapon skills, find trail, encircle enemy and consume our beverage of choice.
2. MISSION. Assemble on 18 JANUARY 2008 at 2000 hours (8PM) at STOMPERS. DELTA HASH will meet in order to find the trail, via solving checks and infiltrating down-down location in order to consume our beverage of choice. All DELTA HASHers will bring other HASH Recuits to indoctrinate
3. EXECUTION. Commander’s Intent. Purpose: To promote friendship and strengthen the HASHing community within the Seoul enclave. This will enhance our ability to find trail and become more astute, and will require focused and proactive involvement by all HASHers.
EndState: Improved understanding HASHing appreciation that results in a stronger HASH bond and understanding now and into the future of world-wide HASHing.
a. Concept of Operations.
(1) HASHers will assemble in order to conduct a SEOUL TEAM DELTA HASH.
(2) Lead operational HARE will be - REVEALED AT RALLY-POINT.
(3) HASHers will follow trail and solve checks and ensure no HASHer is left behind nor lost on trail.
b. Coordinating Instructions.
(1) All checks are 360 degrees.
(2) Provide support by fully participating in this HASH event.
(3) Publicize this event to HASHers and potential HASHers within the Seoul enclave; and other areas within the HASHDOM THEATER of OPERATION (HTO).
(4) FRF is in effect.
a. Bring five (5) dollars or Five (5) Thousand (5) Won.
b. Meet on 18 Janaury 08 at 2000 hours (8PM) at STOMPERS.
c. Bring Chem-lights and flashlights (Extras if you have them in stock).
d. Bring cold weather gear and Camo-Cap.
Rules Of Engagement (ROE) and the trail speical instructions will be briefed prior to crossing the LD. 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL. a. Primary OPR POC is DODIC Master at 011-272-4871, or Email b. Alternate OCR can be found at MySpace URL:
ACKNOWLEDGE: Direct coordination with the POC is authorized.
ACKNOWLEDGE: Direct coordination with the POC is authorized.

Friday night was great. Great trail (thanks to hares Sherpa and Dodic, and my partner in crime on trail, GS), amazing party (thanks to Timber, who was celebrating his promotion by giving us a $1000 bar tab to drink away) and good times after the party (thanks to KBS for feeding me and NOT telling my cab driver to take me to Uijeonbu). I don't understand why everybody doesn't hash.