I'm Hungry

Mmmmm...food. I love food!!! I can't wait to eat EVERYTHING in Malaysia! Maybe we'll stop for some snacks on our way from the airport to the hotel. These pictures are examples of pretty standard hiking fare in Korea. I wonder what we'll eat/drink after hiking in Malaysia?? I wonder what the Malaysian version of makolli (makolloni...ha!) is?

How many times can you possibly google someone before you get bored and just LET IT GO??? Christ. "jes teisher drunk" Give me a break. Get a hobby instead of spending your free time internet stalking me. I'm not even that interesting. If you're going to obsess, at least find someone who does something interesting. Steal pictures that are worth looking at, instead of just random shots of me in bars. Go bother Rachel and Shelly. They don't like you any more than I do. Which, to clarify, is NOT AT ALL!!!

Last night Megan and I met Jamey for dinner at Geckos. I tried to get Heidi to come so we could cross a few more shots off our list but she was being lame! Those who know me will be very surprised to learn that I ate a salad!! Usually I stay far, far away from vegetables. Especially when I have a yummy cheeseburger (no mayo) as an option. Anyway, I hadn't seen Jamey in ages because he had finals and unlike
my college life they actually take those things seriously over here. Though I suspect that the real reason he had to study so hard is because he didn't do crap all semester. :)

Jamey always says he reads my blog but I had my doubts, and they were proven when he saw my hair. Clearly he had no idea it was all gone. He kept telling me I looked like a boy, and when I got annoyed (that's my annoyed face in the pic below) he tried to cover it up by saying, "But...a cute boy?" Fucker!! Lucky for him it's pretty difficult for me to stay angry for long!
Oh, we also made plans to go to Spa Castle!!! YAY!!! I can't wait! First my trip to Malaysia, then a trip to Spa Castle! I have so much to look forward to right now! I so very seriously love

my life!!!
Shot # 4

I don't remember what it was, but we were clearly not fans!!!
Bad Idea # 3876573451

After coffee and a little shopping for books with Shells yesterday, I twisted her arm until she agreed to have a beer or two with me. A little later Heidi, Cam and Saejin showed up for dinner. Not long after we ate Cam and Saejin took off, which is too bad cause Heidi and I were
this close to convincing Cam to join the shooters club with us!! Just look how seriously he's studying the list of shots...
So yeah, Heidi and I joined the shooters club on a Sunday night.
GENIUS!!!! It was clearly one of the best ideas we've ever had. There's 55 on the list...we knocked off 7 in a fairly short amount of time, plus some beer. I had already made plans to watch a movie with my buddy Taru at 9. I was in great shape by the time he showed up. At least we had thought to buy him a super fantastic blinking Santa hat!!


Thanks Andy!! I needed a laugh this morning!! HAHA!! Except now I'll be singing 'YMCA' all day...

Yesterday morning, after some very serious dancing to The Nields 'Gotta Get Over Greta' album, I couldn't decide which socks fit my mood. So I wore one of each. And then I met Shells for coffee and she carted me around Express Bus in her fabulous new bag. It says "I Love Trash." I love it!! And I love her!!!

Last week Science class involved a project on static electricity. Things were getting unbelievably silly just having my kids try to say static electricity, but when we did the balloon/hair thing all hell really broke loose. Some days my job is sooooo much fun!!!!!