Bad Idea # 3876573451

After coffee and a little shopping for books with Shells yesterday, I twisted her arm until she agreed to have a beer or two with me. A little later Heidi, Cam and Saejin showed up for dinner. Not long after we ate Cam and Saejin took off, which is too bad cause Heidi and I were this close to convincing Cam to join the shooters club with us!! Just look how seriously he's studying the list of shots...
So yeah, Heidi and I joined the shooters club on a Sunday night. GENIUS!!!! It was clearly one of the best ideas we've ever had. There's 55 on the list...we knocked off 7 in a fairly short amount of time, plus some beer. I had already made plans to watch a movie with my buddy Taru at 9. I was in great shape by the time he showed up. At least we had thought to buy him a super fantastic blinking Santa hat!!

The only bad idea that day was the hand sanitizer!!!
HAHAHA!!! I love you Shells!! As if there would be hand sanitizer in Korea!!!!! HAAA!!!
It looks like a "BJ" shot..WTF is that?
Where'd you get the list?
Jes I know I should have known better..oh well I left my mark on Express Bus Terminal :)
They have the list. It includes some pretty gross shots! After you do all of them you get a T shirt. I'm gonna autograph mine and send it to my mom, cause that's just the type of behavior that makes her so proud of me!!
Oh Shells, I soooo hope that your mark stays there forever!!
Round 2 Friday baby!
I hate you guys so much right now. I hate you with love.
You're not supposed to use your hands when doing a blow job shot
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