"I really believe that the
pagans, and the
abortionists, and the
feminists, and the gays and the
lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the
People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
-Jerry Falwell, on why 9-11 happened
So Jerry Falwell has died. I'm really broken up about it.

Yup, I'm sick. Really. I mean, you know something's wrong when your hagwon owners take one look at you and send you home for the day. Some nasty eye infection that no one can translate into English. It's fucking disgusting. One should not have huge chunks of disgustingness oozing from their eyes. This morning I couldn't even open them. It reminded me of the time I superglued my fingers together, only this time it wasn't my fingers but you get the idea. And seriously, I'm too retarded to use eye drops. They never end up in my eyes. How did I get through my pot head stage without learning to use eye drops??? [
special note to my mom: i'm only kidding. i've never used illegal substances. that would be wrong and i was raised better.] But as you all know, I'm all about thinking of others and sharing, so today I got a text from Chicken that said MY EYE IS RED! It's a win-win situation for me because I can either (1) blame him for giving it to me, (2) offer it as proof that I'm a sharing kind of individual, or (3) all of the above.
Know what really sucks??? With all this medication I can't even drink for whining!