12 10월 2007

It really sucks when things happen to my loved ones at home and I can't be there for them. Today my thoughts, heart, and prayers are with my dearest friend Stephanie. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm equally sorry that I'm so far away when you're in pain. :(

11 10월 2007

Ouch! My Poor Head!

I think tonight will be a little calmer than last night...

10 10월 2007

Yesterday before I left work my supervisor sat me down and asked if I would extend my contract again in March. I work at a great school and we have an awesome staff. I would recommend working there to anybody. But I think 2 years there is enough for me. I'm ready for a change of scenery, maybe somewhere with a little more nature and a little less garbage than Yaksu. Still, I felt really bad saying no.

09 10월 2007

My open class just totally tanked. My kids are usually soooo great, but they were monsters while the parents were watching!! AARRGGHH!!!!!