So the other night, someone mentioned to me that I take too many pictures. And to that I say, "Fuck Off!!" I love my camera! I wanna lick it, that's how much I love it!!
Only 1 Other Person in the Whole World Will Get This...
Captain Hot Lips by day...Madam Hot Lips by night!!!!
HAAAAAAA! HAAAAA! Can you hear me laughing myself silly?!?!?

After taking the subway home from dinner last night (where RL and I watched some guy picking his nose...seriously digging up in there...it was gross!!) I decided I wanted more beers so I convinced Jamey to stop in Yaksu on his way home from work. We went to Mazzi Mazzi and drank a little, and he ate the largest salad I've ever seen. Then he said something really nice to me, and when I was all, "Oh my God, thank you! That's so nice!" he said, "Oh, I didn't mean to say that to you...I got confused with the words."
Charming. So we moved away from the compliments dept. and stuck with a much safer topic: oral sex (not that I know anything about that, mom!!). It was a fun, fun night!!
Speckled! HAAA!!!
Last night I went to Coex to meet RL for dinner and got to relive 7th grade when 2 boys decided to follow me all around the mall as I was looking for her. One of them finally got up the nerve to talk to me right after I met up with her and she did a much better job at keeping a straight face than I did!!
We decided on TGI Friday's for dinner, where we drank many many beers, decided we loved the bartender, and laughed ourselves silly over everything. Seriously...we laughed at everything!

We also discovered that Rachellynn's head is approximately 1 millimeter larger than mine, though she may have cheated to make me feel better!! I think this was the point where people stopped sitting next to us...and when Rachellynn ordered another beer the bartender responded with, "Are you sure??? Really??" And then promptly gave her a large glass of water! HAAA! Later in the evening our endearing ways won him over because he gave us some yummy green shots and didn't make us pay for any of the beers he served us!

Oh, and our trip to Jeju is all set! I'm so excited!!! The three of us are going as part of my birthday celebration! Wanna know the best way to tell someone about their birthday present?!? "It cost 19.99 US dollars, and I was really afraid it would get stopped at customs!!" I can't wait!!!!!

Last night was fun! Thanks guys! And check out that last shot - do you have any idea where we are??? Maybe Jamey should change his major to photography?!?
ps...Jenny, it was so awesome to meet you!!!

Today is my bestest friend Andy's birthday, and it really sucks that I can't be there to celebrate with him. Not that you can do much celebrating at his age since he might break a hip or something, but it would still be nice to be there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTEST FRIEND!!!
Take The Fun Out Of Everything...
Found this on MSN. Naturally I got advanced written permission before stealing it and posting it here.
At my funeral, I want midget strippers and everyone to show up dressed in full pirate costumes. And lots and lots of beer and vodka
must be consumed. Then you can all hash your way to the Yuengling Brewery (a.k.a heaven on earth!!) and have a few too many pints in my memory!!!
Chinese Police End Funeral Striptease Acts
BEIJING - Striptease send-offs at funerals may become a thing of the past in east China after five people were arrested for organizing the intimate farewells, state media reported on Wednesday.
Police swooped last week after two groups of strippers gave "obscene performances" at a farmer's funeral in Donghai County, Jiangsu province, Xinhua news agency said.
The disrobing served a higher purpose, the report noted.
"Striptease used to be a common practice at funerals in Donghai's rural areas to allure viewers," it said. "Local villagers believe that the more people who attend the funeral, the more the dead person is honored."
Wealthy families often employed two troupes of performers to attract a crowd. Two hundred showed up at last week's funeral.
Five strippers were detained and local officials "issued notices concerning funeral management", Xinhua said.
Now village officials must submit plans for funerals within 12 hours after a villager dies. And residents can report "funeral misdeeds" on a hotline, the report said.
Last night I made dinner for Jamey and Jae-ho...I thought it was yummy, but I think they'll probably be sticking to Korean cuisine from now on. We had lots of fun, and even if they didn't like the food, they loved my Monsters, Inc. and Jerry Garcia dolls!!!!

HAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Hahaha!! I know it's a bit childish, but man, I haven't laughed that hard since - well, since the last time I saw Rachel Lynn and Shelly!!!
Oh yeah...sorry there's been no posts for awhile...thanks everyone for your emails!! You guys are the absolute best!!!