After taking the subway home from dinner last night (where RL and I watched some guy picking his nose...seriously digging up in there...it was gross!!) I decided I wanted more beers so I convinced Jamey to stop in Yaksu on his way home from work. We went to Mazzi Mazzi and drank a little, and he ate the largest salad I've ever seen. Then he said something really nice to me, and when I was all, "Oh my God, thank you! That's so nice!" he said, "Oh, I didn't mean to say that to you...I got confused with the words." Charming. So we moved away from the compliments dept. and stuck with a much safer topic: oral sex (not that I know anything about that, mom!!). It was a fun, fun night!!
Oral sex...such a great topic...Wish you could buy that at Subway. Did i really just ay that? Repressed.....
You and me both, sister!!!
what did I exectly say that night?
I don't remember.
Actually, I don't know about 'oral sex' at all.
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