Last night I made dinner for Jamey and Jae-ho...I thought it was yummy, but I think they'll probably be sticking to Korean cuisine from now on. We had lots of fun, and even if they didn't like the food, they loved my Monsters, Inc. and Jerry Garcia dolls!!!!

HAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Hahaha!! I know it's a bit childish, but man, I haven't laughed that hard since - well, since the last time I saw Rachel Lynn and Shelly!!!
Oh yeah...sorry there's been no posts for awhile...thanks everyone for your emails!! You guys are the absolute best!!!
I like the dirty doll poses!
I took some pics like that a few months ago :)
dirty dolls haaaaaaaaaa funnny
Was alcohol involved?
LOL... Chad still does that shit with all the boys' stuffed animals!!
They never grow up...wouldn't want it any other way though!!
I will never look at Mike and Sully the same. MIKE WAZOWSKI!
That's it, I want Jerry back! Somewhere in korea, a scarlet begonia blosssom just fell off of its stem....
No way!! I won custody of Jerry fair and square!!!
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