A blog that was basically about hashing and living in Seoul doesn't do much good for someone who no longer lives in Seoul and doesn't hash much anymore. Guess it's time to end. Thanks guys, but I won't be posting here anymore.
The Mystery Spot is maybe the coolest thing EVER. No joke. Usually I have to use my superpowers to defy the laws of physics, but here all I had to do was show up! I've been dying to visit ever since I first heard of it so on Wednesday Gaylord and I hopped in Einstein and cruised our way up (or down, or East, or maybe West...you guys know me and directions!) to the beautiful redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz. It was a fun ride with lots of singing and dancing and minimal bruising, and I got to see more big trees which I just can't get enough of. :-) The Mystery Spot is about 150 feet in diameter and what makes it so cool is that within the spot THE LAWS OF PHYSICS DO NOT APPLY!!! Seriously!! You can't tell cause I'm a shitty photographer, but in the above picture everyone in the tour is leaning at about a 17 degree angle, because it's impossible to stand up straight!!That's Gay Gay in the hash T shirt, watching the guide demonstrate how gravity is all fucked up inside the spot. He would put a pool ball on a sloped piece of wood, let it go, and it would roll UPHILL!! I should also mention that Gay received an A+ in audience participation during the tour. It's one of the few times I've seen him excited about anything that wasn't on 2 wheels, even though now that we're back he's too cool to blog about it. Or share the 6 gazillion pictures and videos he took (hint, hint). You can climb up a ladder just like it were steps. It was so awesome! And they had cement blocks that were totally level, but when you stood on them you got taller!! OK, I'm not explaining that very well, but Gaylord and I stood next to each other on them and I WAS TALLER THAN HIM!!! I don't think he liked it very much, but I could've stayed like that forever. :-) Lots of theories on the spot, but of course I'm sticking to the ones involving aliens and UFOs. Check out the interweb for more info. mysteryspot.com mofos!!