
Thanks to Kathryn and her amazing ability to organize events through the wonder known as Facebook I was able to meet up with some friends for dinner and a few drinks Saturday night. I met my friend Chris a bit earlier in Itaewon and we wandered around for a while and then went to grab a beer before meeting everyone else at Petra's in Noksapyeong for some yummy Middle Eastern food served up by an incredibly grumpy staff. After we stuffed ourselves we headed over to Bungalow, where I was hoping to see Shells, but she had already split. We didn't stay at Bungalow long because it was sooo crowded and hot. We then headed to Bliss, where it was drinks, shots and good conversation until I called it a night and went home and crashed. Good times, and it was lovely to run into Joel!
And the rest of my weekend? Friday night Mic (finally) got home from a week-long Unicef volunteer project so we hung out and watched a movie at my place. He was feeling a bit ill, so within minutes of starting the movie he was sound asleep. Feeling bad for him, I made him some Thera-flu and after he drank that he mumbled some sort of apology for being so tired and sick and was out cold for the rest of the night. Yeah, it was an exciting time! Sunday I was a total bum. Skipped the hash for no good reason, just felt like being lazy. Watched TV, drank too much coffee, and ate many many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Later in the day I went to the bookstore, watched CSI and then went to bed. Thrilling stuff, eh?
Sounds awesome to me...mellow. I went to brushwood friday night, played w/ pretty chemicals that make fire burn colors, bed due to a headache (go figure) lounged w/ the girls and boys and drank girl drinks while reading Harry Potter on saturday, helped w/ the big picnic, then fire and music sat. night. A typical weekend...would be better if you were on this end of the earth!
You're still reading Harry Potter???
yes, but not the last one. I decided (3 days before the final book release) that I would re-read ALL of them and then finish w/ the last. So I'm 3/4 way through Goblet of Fire and getting frustrated! But I must complete them all, no cheating now. So I'm living in a bubble and if you ruin the last one I will fly to korea and don't think that would be a good thing!
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