08 8월 2007

I can't imagine Korea without RL and Heidi. :(


At 9:47 오후, Blogger daeguowl said...

Dude, you've got me now....did they have an oven for you...I don't think so...

At 11:38 오후, Blogger Shells Bells said...

me neither I'm feeling a little less then complete right now..you and I will have to keep the torch burning..see you Tuesday! xoxoxo

At 11:42 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Yes, I'm definitely incomplete right now. A good cry on the phone with Mic helped...he kept saying, "But you still have Shelly...and Joel..." And I thought of the Hobokeneers and grinned an evil grin for all the adventures we'll have!!

Looking forward to Tuesday!!


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