30 7월 2006

Found this while blog surfing today. Turns out Lance Armstrong and I really are meant to be...not that I didn't know that already!!



At 9:46 오후, Blogger SJ said...

Hahaha you little brat!

Well I don't mind you or anyone else knowing who my secret crush is :)

At 11:25 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Oh lovely

At 8:22 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

That's evil!

At 8:56 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love that gray hair of his! It's hot.

At 4:04 오후, Blogger JIMONG said...

Ha ha ha

At 12:21 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Ian - don't worry, she entered your name too!! ;)

SM - I can't believe you didn't enter my name!!! You fucker!!! :)

At 6:02 오전, Blogger daeguowl said...

It's lucky I put my wife's name in.....

At 6:26 오전, Blogger Ariel said...

OMG, I just about died laughing!
but I can't tell anyone in the office, because HE (the crush) works with me!

At 7:21 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Hey Jes... you don't even KNOW me (Brendan got me reading your blog) but you'll find out who my crush is too... good thing I don't have real emotions and only go for fictional characters...


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