How Can I Possibly Be Brownie's Sister And Still Look This Good????

Check me out showing off my favorite jeans. I have more love in my heart for these jeans than I do for many people I meet. Shelly and RL refer to them as my hobo jeans, and I can hear the jealousy in their voices everytime!!!
Whatever, you're a distant second among the Teisher kids!
And I heard your friends also refer to your hobo breath...
You're going to have to do a lot better than that to compete with Trojan's pic.
Dude, both those guys in the photo are totally checking you out!
I don't blame them ;)
I'm not even trying to compete with Trojan's pic. I eat way too many cheeseburgers for that!
Squeezin...Jes is one hot Mf'er:) nude photo or not!
Jes, are you sure Jon is your brother?
Maybe you guys have different dads...
Thanks Trojan!! At least someone stuck up for me!!
Ok - I'm guessing that 오 means November and that 후 is 7 and that 전 is 6 (or 6 and 5, depending what time zone you're blog's registered in right now)...
Is that right?
I believe:
오전 = AM
오후 = PM
Seriously you look like a hobo..but as long as YOU love it ;) Nice to see the waiter checkin ur ass out though!
Love those jeans, and the young lady in them. Just found your blog and it is very good. I am adding you to our blogroll.
Aaah yes that makes more sense. cool :)
Everytime, I read let along look at your blog, I wonder how the %*&$ you two are related. Don't get me wrong, enjoy killing brain cells with your brother, but damn, you are intelligent and super cute.
So, do those jeans now walk out of your room and put themselves away?
Yeah, I got the brains and the looks in the family and Brownie got....well, at least he runs fast. And far. That's gotta count for something...
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