16 1월 2006

Just saw 'Pride and Prejudice' with Becki and Melanie. What a great movie. Makes me want to have a bunch of sisters to run around with, wearing long dresses and bowing at everyone we see.


At 12:55 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Jesus people, it was just a movie. Stop with the lesbian themed emails.

At 9:52 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

read the book. it's great, especially on a rainy day.

At 6:40 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

I love the book. Turned me on to Jane Austen.

At 6:54 오전, Blogger Jes said...

I read the book ages ago and loved it. I was afraid the movie would be a little too 'lifetime television-y' for me, but it was really great.

At 12:21 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

I'm always dissapointed with the movies after I read the book. Never lives up to my imagination....except for two movies series..Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings..those were VERY similar to the books.

At 8:48 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Nothing to add to the discussion, just wanted you to belive I'm actually reading your blog...

At 9:47 오후, Blogger Rafael said...

True Trojan, true

At 12:02 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Raf..Stephen King movies are the absolute worst.He is so detailed..you know what the paint smelled like on the neighbors fence 3 days ago...how do you translate that to film? Ya can't.So much is lost in those films and the books are so captivating.

At 12:02 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

ok..I'll shut up now.

At 1:05 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Really QNL? You don't want to explain that you tried to leave the bar where 'the MEN' were watching football to go see the biggest chick flick ever with the girls? And you only stayed at the bar because the guys threatened you with a new hash name?

At 1:27 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

What hash name could be less manly than the one I have? Besides, I'm the GM, I'd just rename those wakers something far worse... As for your movie, there wasn't anything on earth that was getting me away from that bar stool on Sunday (Hashers, I need some help here....Pretty little blonde bartender, 150 different bottled beers all for a buck and a half, 6.00 pizzas and flat screen TVs everywhere). However, in the interest of securing my reptuation as a well-rounded, intellectual type, I actually did read the book sometime ago, and have been known to sit through the occasional chick flick...

At 1:32 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Who's reputation are you talking about?

And look at you with the link...you're a baby step away from having your own blog! Then what will you make fun of me for?

At 2:24 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Oh, I'm pretty sure I'll find something... :p

At 1:34 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Hashers, back ME up on this one...Didn't I say QNL writes on this blog more than Jes?

At 6:47 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Thanks Teabag...it's my theory that QNL has his own secret blog out there.

At 11:34 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Looks like someone could be spending a little time in the circle this weekend for selling out his GM in order to suck up to a harriette....


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