18 1월 2006


1. Having to do anything before 9 a.m.
2. Mayonnaise
3. Andy's loud, obnoxious, neurotic Siamese cat who is, at this very moment, making me rethink my views on animal cruelty
4. Aerosmith
5. Philadelphia. Except the Sixers.


At 1:53 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

I hate Aerosmith too!

At 1:54 오전, Blogger dayoldfish said...

I must agree with you two on the Aerosmith thing

At 2:00 오전, Blogger PlaysByEar said...

You hate mayonaisse? That's it--we're through!

At 2:02 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

I don't like Mayo either...I have been reprogramed to enjoy spicy mustard instead. Sorry guys..but I love "Love in an Elevator":)

At 2:04 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Fine!! I could never be with a mayonnaise lover anyway!!

At 2:23 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

You leave Holly alone! She DOES NOT deserve to be on your top 5, with the likes of Mayonaisse and Aerosmith! She'll be very disappointed when we speak about it later...

At 2:55 오전, Blogger Jes said...

If I don't put her in the microwave first.

At 5:25 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Andy's cat can't be any worse than Lucy who, as soon as I fall asleep, finds it necessary to walk all over me and meow in my face until I wake up and pet her. Then, 5 minutes later, she curls up and falls asleep because she's obviously exhausted from being awake longer than 3 minutes. It wouldn't be so bad if it just happened once a night, but it usually happens 3 or 4 times a night. My fiance doesn't even require that much attention.


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