01 2월 2008
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Wow..that there little girl has a pink penis on her head...interesting culture indeed:)
Yeah, I spent most of the class trying not to look at her.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, penis head. poor poor little korean girl.
Dear Jessica Teacher's mom, Jessica teacher is jumping every day on her bed. and she made me a penis balloon hat. But I love jessica teacher.
love from Mary
HAHAHAHA!!! I can't believe those bastards sold me out like that!
It was lovely to see you and your brother last night!!
What are you guys up to tomorrow night?
And I'm in for Wednesday! I forgot about Sol-lal!!! NO SCHOOL!! And Lotte World on Thursday!!! WOO HOO!!!
My brother wants to try Hongdae....unfortunately I've not been there since 2001 and I imagnie its changed since then. Care to come along and guide us?
This shows how sexuality is such a strong force in people's minds...
It's certainly a force in my mind!
Ummm...Hongdae??? How well does he know Seoul? Couldn't we just take him somewhere else and tell him it's Hongdae??? Of course, it has been awhile since I've done any table dancing...
you think that's funny? does she know what penis looks like? does she want a penis on her head? some people
misunderstand what korean culture is. i wish you should haven't posted this photo.
dude, relax. I'm assuming the hat started out as some sort of animal. She refused to take it off. I don't dress my students up like this.
I'm hoping at her age she doesn't know anything about penises.
And I don't see how it has anything to do with Korean culture at all.
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