27 12월 2005

To Tex Mex, Or Not to Tex Mex...

...that is the question...


At 4:16 오전, Blogger brownie said...

It's the best hash event in Texas, besides the AH3 Malt Liquor hash of course.

At 4:44 오전, Blogger Jes said...

So how come none of the AH3 wankers are going?

At 6:07 오전, Blogger brownie said...

Because they're a bunch of wankers. Actually, about a dozen of us will be there.

At 11:38 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Since your bro is leaving TX you should go hit TEX-MEX with him. You simply must see breathtaking El Paso...so lush and beautiful. Well..If you drink enough it is...

At 8:10 오전, Blogger The guy you never see said...

Brownie said to hit your link and tell you to go to TexMex. Go damnit! I've been hearing about it for nigh on 4 years now and I'm finally able to go. You may not remember me, we met at the Austin hash while I was still down there. Ciao!


At 11:36 오전, Blogger Late Nite Drive Thru said...

of course you should!

I'm flying from DC to go and I won't arrive in El Paso until 8pm Friday evening - but that ain't stopping me!

At 3:43 오전, Blogger dayoldfish said...

I will register sometime this week maybe. But I will be there, been hearing Brownie talk about this weekend for over a year now. Going so he will finally shut up about it. Plus it sounds like a great reason for him to quit Jager again.

At 4:56 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Maybe we'll have 2 members of the Teisher family quitting Jager on the same day!


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