I Guess I'm Starting To Show My Age...
Another marathon work day, working at both the shelter and the bar. Plus, Andy comes home tomorrow (YAY!!!) so I have to find time to do all the household chores that I told him were already done. Luckily he knows me well enough to not expect too much from me in this area, so it really shouldn't take long to get everything finished. And finding time to update this blog sure isn't easy, because God knows I would never think of violating the shelter's policy of not using the internet for personal use. I figure since I'm sharing with you, dear readers, it's not really very 'personal' at all. Besides, our secretary doesn't exactly adhere to the 'Thou shalt not abuse sick time' commandment so I figure by the time she shows up to type the memo reminding me of such policy I'll be long gone in Korea.This morning I stopped for gas on my way to work (see how exciting my life is?!?) and the gas station guy said to me, "Looks like you got up pretty late this morning. You didn't even have time to put your makeup on." Hmmm. This might have been an appropriate statement, except that I have never seen this man before, for once I actually didn't get up late, and I have worn makeup one time in my entire life (I'm fairly certain that this particular gas station man was not around to witness it) and have absolutely sworn on all that is holy to never do so again.
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