13 2월 2007

Call Vegas...

What's the over-under on Andy flying over here to surprise me for Valentine's Day?????


At 12:19 오전, Blogger brownie said...

No way he misses the Lehigh Valley hash to see your wanker ass.

At 3:48 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Would have, but ice and snow have grounded my flight!

At 7:21 오전, Blogger sumatra22 said...

DAMN...I tried posting before and it just didn't work! I was saying that qnl would fly to Korea as fast as Edward would buy me flowers! (don't hold your breath, Jes) Oh, and 'love you' qnl! I'd gladly fly over and be your valentine, but I'm light-headed and turning blue waiting for my flower delivery...(picture ms. havisham in about 30 years...)

At 3:56 오후, Blogger SJ said...

Happy Valentines Day, beautiful sexy Jes!

So now you've agreed to be mine, when can I romance you and have you? ;)

At 9:40 오후, Blogger Shells Bells said...

I hope you're lucky and it's under!

At 12:36 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Mr. Jones - I think I have some free time on Monday. Can you make it to Korea by then? ;)

Thanks everyone except Brownie. And QNL, I love, love, love the poem.

At 3:15 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

I aims to please! Happy vd baby!!

At 4:44 오후, Blogger SJ said...

For you, Jessie - absolutely ;)


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