04 1월 2008


Just a few photos from Thailand. the first one is my favorite. Sitting besides such a large structure and offsetting the colors with the blue pants.
then playing copy cat, and I'm pretty sure there was some sort of non-intended sacrilege performed at that moment.

The candels photo is a personal favorite.

and of course, Jes needed to get her mexican on (sorry Jes's mom :D ) so i took her to the one mexican restaurant in Chiang Mai and she got the cleanest most non-messy nachos I've ever seen (hahaha what did you guys think when I said mexican? sheesh, i'm not that kind of boy) ...and then we drowned them with the only tequila they had..."mexican ole" tequila. which barely made it past the vocal cords. UGH!!!!


At 5:46 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

What's a thai gonna know about mescan food? Were there mescans in the kitchen over there?

At 10:10 오전, Blogger Jes said...

no raf, there weren't, and clearly they didn't know much. did you see those ridiculously cute nachos???

Gaylord - thanks for the guest posts, and for the pics. :) needed to get my mexican on??? ugh.

At 10:13 오전, Blogger Jes said...

작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

At 7:01 오후, Blogger crom said...

there's mexicans in every "mexican restaurant kitchen" in the world.

they weren't half bad though. I think the "mexican ole" tequila made us forget how bad they might have been.

it was a fine change of pace from noodles.

man i want some sushi right now!!!!

At 12:18 오전, Blogger Jes said...

hmmm...ever since meeting that cute little girl on the plane you sure have been making alot of references to all things japanese.

i kind of get the asian fetish, though. ;)

At 1:30 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

LOVE that candles pic!!

At 4:55 오전, Blogger crom said...

uh...hello, it's candels....just cause it annoys the hell out of jes. and man, i sure could use a good philly cheese steak right about now. :P

At 5:35 오전, Blogger Jes said...

thanks AG, i took it myself. ;)

and seriously gaylord, my only instructions were BE NICE and USE SPELL CHECK!!! argh!

candels. moron.

At 9:36 오전, Blogger crom said...

hey, i was nice, wasn't I? I didn't dime you out! :D

and you did not take that photo. I can post the photos that you took, though! if you like. there is a slight difference in composition and quality, I'm just saying.


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