02 1월 2008


I don't know if the Chiang Mai hashers loved or hated me, but they sure made me spend ALOT of time on the ice, and they definitely did their best to get me wasted. I always say this and nobody believes me, but I CANNOT FUNNEL BEER!!! Thanks to Gaylord (who's with me in the top picture) for sending the pics. In his own words, he is a "responsible and true friend who keeps his word." In my own words, "Shut up. There's no reason for hot dudes to ever talk. Just get me a drink and take your shirt off and stand around looking pretty and dumb and easy to take advantage of." :)


At 10:52 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Memories of sitting on ice...dancing through my head:)I kinda miss it...sorta:)

At 12:04 오전, Blogger brownie said...

I heard Gaylord hooked up with a dude over the weekend...

At 12:07 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Wishful thinking, Brownie??

At 12:58 오전, Blogger crom said...

The CSH3 loved you Jes, especially meatball and just cumming. I think that's why you were in the circle the most. hahahaha. and why you got the big penis award. who knew? and also, of course, cause you wouldn't stop talking. :D

brownie you cock, i know you want my man gravy, all you gotta do is ask! ;)

and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a dude, i checked. ;)

At 1:32 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Meatball. HAHAHAHA!!!

Me: Why aren't you running?
Him: I broke my toe.
Me: Oh! I'm so sorry! When?
Him: 8 months ago.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! "I've hashed 25 times, but only ran 3." He was so proud of it! He's my idol! My next trip to CM will be for the sole purpose of making out with him.

At 2:02 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

I am so shocked that you regard men as mere sex objects and nothing more!! :-) Must be the influence of having gone to a female-only school :-)

At 2:04 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

And obviously the school succeeded!

At 2:05 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Don't worry! I put fizicists in a much higher category!!

I got your card today!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

I have stuff for you, too! I'll mail it soon, I promise!!

At 4:05 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Toatally not fair; ass on the ice.

At 7:39 오전, Blogger Jes said...

I think by now you're aware of my "No getting naked (or semi-naked)at the hash" policy. I mean, what would my mom think?

Are you as excited for Van Gogh as I am??? First JCS, now a museum...who knew your dirty, skanky ass had so much culture? ;)

At 6:58 오전, Blogger BTExpress said...

I see in the second pic that Gaylord had left you. I'm thinking the picking your nose sent him away. My advise is that if you want to turn on the guys, don't pick your nose when everyones watching.

Oh yea, but fart if you can. Guys like that a lot.

At 9:09 오전, Blogger crom said...

hahaha, actually the nose picking was pretty hot!! :D dont' let the photo fool ya, i didn't leave her sitting there, that's just like the 3rd time she was brought onto the ice for...........................wait for it.....................

............talking in circle!!!!


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