01 1월 2008

If I ever finish building my time machine, these are 2 days I'd re-live over and over again. But maybe without the coughing. :)


At 2:38 오전, Blogger crom said...

I'd have to agree. the freedom of riding on the railings of the taxi truck thru the city is not something I could do here, without some panty waist getting their panties in a bunch!

hashing with chiang mai H3, drinking shitloads, and watching you receive the largest cock ever....and by this, I mean, you asked for it and it had nothing to do with me. :) HAHAHA

I think the CSH3 was one of the coolest over seas hash i've ever been too.

At 8:12 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to learn to keep my mouth shut when I hash!! I was in the circle more than anyone, and I didn't even do trail!!!

They were awesome! I'm going back, just to give Meatball some shit!!!

Sure wish I had some pictures of it. And the rest of our trip to Thailand. Hint, hint.


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