Achilles' family: You're going to Korea? You're soooo fucked.
Joel: I'm volunteering with orphans tomorrow...well, OK, I'm getting up to say goodbye to Steve.
Me: I have a slot machine you can play!
Joel: It ain't coming up cherries!
(sorry, mom!)
Joel: For a gay man I'm an awful big breast boy.
Achilles: Nothing to hate about breasts!
Not funny? Maybe you had to be there. Yay Friday!!! Tonight I'll be in Jamsil to see Jesus Christ Superstar with KBS. Yes, you read that right and yes, I was a bit surprised myself. Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary party for Bliss!!!
what about the "other" quote about woman that are above_________ :=)
The funny thing is, young women are ogled at by not just by heterosexual men but gays, lesbians, AND heterosexual women -- in other words all sections of the population.
Oh, I think I know why...not just they are pretty to look at but because we all have images of our mothers?? Kind of female version of Freudian theory. OK I am not a psychologist so this is just a guess.
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