Last night
Mino tricked me into hanging out with him by promising to go see Hairspray with me. So I show up to meet him and he's all, "Oh, I have an exam tomorrow...I don't have much time. I can't watch the movie. Let's just hang out."
WHAT?!?!? If you don't have time, then don't ask me to go, retard! So we wandered around like we always do when we hang out...through Gwanghamun, through City Hall, into Myeong Dong...with me pointing out that by now the movie would have been over so we should have gone to see it. I'm charming like that.
Have you guys seen the lights yet? They're so pretty! I didn't take any pictures of them, but here's some from last looks exactly the same, and I was wearing the same jacket so I should've just lied and said I took them last night.

OK, I couldn't find them. Check the archives or go there yourself if you're that interested. Instead, I offer you holiday cheer in the form of my buddy Ray humping a Christmas tree, and the love of my life RL humping me in a dirty makolli hut, which is clearly the best place to be humped. Enjoy.
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