25 11월 2007

Many months ago Joel and I came up with the idea of hosting a Thanksgiving feast at his place for our Korean family. Slight problems included the facts that none of our friends are American and there are no turkeys and other necessary Thanksgiving feast items in Korea. And neither of us really knew how to cook a Thanksgiving feast. But other than those obstacles, what could possibly go wrong???

Thanks to Joel using all his charms, we were able to have a buddy with access to the Army base score us some of the necessary Thanksgiving feast items (like a turkey...my first turkey in 2 years!!!!) and we improvised the rest. Thanks to my mom sharing her cooking tips, everything came out perfect! It was an amazing day spent with delicious food and family. What else could you ask for?

After dinner and dessert we all headed to Bliss, where Cam and I danced up a storm and had motorcycle races in our bar stools. It was a great night. I'm so blessed to have these people in my life. I hope they know how much I love them! Enjoy the pictures, we sure had a good time taking them.


At 9:04 오후, Blogger Shells Bells said...

Best turkey I've had in a very longggggg time. You did an awesome job. Loved seeing you!!! xoxoxoxo Hope to see you again VERY soon. Loves ya!

At 9:27 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

hey, looks like you did good. hope the turkey tasted as good as it looks!

At 2:12 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Great pictures! And your turkey looks delicious!!! Happy belated Thanksgiving!

At 7:23 오전, Blogger Jes said...

I gotta say, Joel and I did a pretty fantastic job! Everything was great!

At 12:31 오전, Blogger RL said...

Looks like fun I miss you guys!

At 1:16 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

What a succulent looking bird!

At 8:05 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Succulent bird. HAHAHA!!!


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