05 1월 2006

Man, did work suck today. It's so hard to put effort into a job you don't like when you know you're leaving soon anyway. I hope I don't hate my job in Korea. And on top of work sucking, lots of people in my life have sucky things happening to them and it's really wearing on me. I'm heading out for some retail therapy...hopefully in the form of some hot new black boots!


At 10:18 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Nothing makes me happier( when I'm upset) than buying crap I absolutely don't need but want..I love to shop.

At 4:09 오후, Blogger Jes said...

I agree! Whoever said money can't buy happiness obviously doesn't shop at the Macy's shoe dept.! In honor of my trip to Texas, I picked up the most fabulous pair of brown embroidered cowboy boots.

At 10:45 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

money may not buy happiness, but it does let you be unhappy at a more comfortable level.

At 1:31 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

can't buy beer without money!

At 1:50 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

I love shoes....Especially heels. I have this love affair with being 6"...

At 3:11 오전, Blogger Jes said...

QNL...I agree - and Jager ain't cheap, either!

Trojan...I love, love, love being tall. Lots of the new shoes are totally flat, but I'm not giving up heels for anything! What good are boots without heels?

At 3:29 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

how tall are you?

At 3:35 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Only 5'8 (and a 1/2, but who's counting?). I'm hoping I have at least one more growth spurt left in me. I've always wanted to be at least 6'.

At 3:48 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Pretty tall for a chick:) My grandma insists that I will never find a man since I am too tall(5"10), so I make sure to wear my highest heels when I visit:).

At 4:37 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

don't count on a growth spurt. genetics are stacked against you.

At 6:59 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

It's a good thing I like (and wear) heels because at 5'5", I wouldn't stack up against you non-vertically challenged people without them.

At 10:55 오후, Blogger BRAE said...

But if you are short like me (5'3")you can get the cute stocker boy to get items on the top shelf for you at the grocery store.

At 4:45 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Now there's an idea. Maybe I will try that next time I go shopping without my fiance. :)


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