05 10월 2007

My new coworkers are from a town in Canada called Regina. And everytime they say it I giggle like a 7th grader because, as they put it, "It's the town that rhymes with fun!!!" HAHAHA!!



At 3:41 오전, Blogger daeguowl said...

Come on, Regina doesn't really rhyme with soccer...

At 9:16 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

That's so adolescent. How old are you? 12?

At 9:51 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Oh please. Your anonymous insults are really hurting my feelings. 12 year old girls are mighty sensitive, you know.

Unless you were commenting to Daeguowl in which case, seriously dude, grow up! :)

At 11:18 오후, Blogger daeguowl said...

Actually I'm only 11, I'll be 12 in a couple of months though...I always was mature for my age...(gives anonymous a cyber-wedgie)

At 6:35 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

So, you want me to insult you in an 'non'-anonymous way? okay

A woman named "Jessica" with transparent personality, who's teaching in Korea thinks an elementary age joke is funny. Hahaha.

At 8:14 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Well, just think...I could be teaching your kids one day!!

And nobody calls me Jessica. It's a little too grown up and mature sounding for my tastes.

You could just stop reading if my juvenile sense of humor and ridiculously bad personality offend you so much.

At 8:52 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

You must have some good qualities to have fans out there in the cyberspace; self deprecation is not one of them.

My kids? Hahaha...

At 12:28 오전, Blogger daeguowl said...

It's illegal to comment anonymously on blogs in Korea....the police are on their way to nick you...


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