Idiot Moment #3,785,012
Last night I went out with Mic and Achilles and got retardedly drunk at Korea University. I'm talking RE.TARD.ED drunk. This morning I woke up around 7 with a terrible headache, that awful watery mouth/I'm about to puke feeling, and the unmistakeable knowledge that there was someone in my bed with me...I pieced together what I could remember of the end of the goodbye to Mic at the bottom of my hill, staggered up my hill...puked my guts out on the side of my building (unless you happen to be my neighbors or my landlord reading this, in which case I did no such thing, it must have been one of the other foreigners living here - those bastards!!). From the time I said goodbye to Mic I was alone, so who the fuck was in my bed with me???? Now, maybe some of you are used to waking up with strange people in your bed, and that's fine, I'm not one to judge, but it's not really my style. So without even turning my head to see who was hogging the blankets I totally panicked, screamed, fell out of my bed, and generally caused an enormous racket. Yup, I'm smooth like that.
I had caused quite a commotion and there was nothing from the other side of the movement, no noise, nothing. Hmmm...odd. Finally, I picked my head up (a feat in itself considering the enormous hangover I was suffering with) and saw......

HAHAHAHA!!! I went home with Jack the Pumpkin King!!!! I had totally forgotten that at some point during the night Mic had not so subtlely walked off, and when he returned 20 minutes later he had a huge giftwrapped package for me. It was a huge Jack doll! I must have been excited when I got home and unwrapped him, because I had him all tucked in safely with his head on my pillow and the blankets up to his chin. HAHA!
9 Comments: had drunken SEX with Jack eh? Could be worse.
Nah, no sex. I don't know if I could sleep with someone skinnier than me...
I love laughing while at work. Thanks!!!
could be my favorite post yet.
your middle name is Erin
HAHAHA. Your mom yelled at you halfway around the world!
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I think I ought to be congratulated for hauling that thing up all the hills I live on! I still don't know how I did it!
Funniest post i've read anywhere all week. hahaha Hilarious.
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