"Uh..........(long silence)......(crickets chirping)......(several slow blinks)......(does he not realize that I've got a ton of pent up rage and am seriously hovering on the brink of a nervous breakdown???).....oh....kay...."
So he checks out the menu and is all Korean jibber-jabbing with the waitress and instead of paying attention so I know what he's ordering I'm sitting there with 2 thoughts running through my brain. (1) So much for those 36 credits in woman's studies taken at my private, liberal arts, man hating, female college. Seriously, of those 36 I think at least 27 were in courses designed to teach you why one should not let a man "just order for you." I keep my feminist rants/raves/ideas/opinions/essays etc. away from this blog since I know most of you can't read anyway and only come here to steal pics of me, RL, and Shells (yeah, I got site-meter, fuckers!!) but seriously it was a big step letting someone else order for me. And my other thought? "Please, please, please don't let me end up with a plate full of cabbage, raw garlic, and sweet pickles covered in mayonnaise." Cause let's face it, around here that's a very real possibility.
I'm sure you'll be relieved to find out that he did a fantastic job. So fantastic that I'm never making another decision when he's around again. He can just go ahead and pick everything. We shared some kind of awesome spicy seafood pasta and a gorgonzola cheese pizza. It was gooood.
So go ahead...ask why I let him order for me. I'll tell you...I've got no shame...I let him order because he was the one holding onto our tickets for CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!!!! Only my friends from back home will understand, because they know how truly nutters I am for this Cirque stuff. He could have taken back my right to vote and I would have kept my mouth shut until after the show.
We ate and headed off to Jamsil Sports Complex for the show, with me jumping up and down the whole time saying "AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!?!?!? I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!" and him saying "Uh...yeah...I'm sure it'll be...nice?" I kept trying to explain what Cirque was but he probably didn't understand since I was beside myself with excitement and my brain was moving quicker than my mouth so I was probably sounding something like this, "It's like, ohmygod these people, and then, really it's the coolest thing ever!! And then dancing, and jumping and...and oh yeah!! there's this other thing where they're all like...and then these costumes and stuff, and oh in a tent...seriously, I'm so excited! What time is it? Are we gonna get there on time???"
To keep from making a short story any longer, the show was great. I loved it, he loved it, the rest of the audience loved it, and after the show we went to Gangnam to meet fellow hashers The Voice and Kimchi Fridge (known as Mark and Jade in the non-hashing world) for a few beers at one of the coolest bars I've been to in Seoul. It was a great, great night. Perfect, really.

I love your top!
I saw Cirque a couple of years ago and it was awesome! Hopefully one day I''ll see a show out in Vegas.
OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND! OMG, Cirque ROX! (and I thank you again, as my first experience was a rather unfortunate time for you...) I hope that made you feel better! (oh, and you look FAB!)
You look beautiful!
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