These are some of the kids in my Atlanta class. I love everything about this class. The kids are so awesome, my teaching partner is awesome, it's probably my favorite afternoon class. They make me laugh so hard everytime I see them.
Today we did a unit on pets. I've never heard so many dead goldfish stories in all my life. I couldn't get them to shut up. And then one of the girls decided to share her hamster story which basically involved alot of humping and devouring of offspring. She didn't know the word for humping, so before I had a chance to stop her she just stood right up and acted it out. I almost peed. Turns out, this class has quite a few pet humping stories.
I was finally able to steer the conversation more towards "What kind of pet would you like to have?" as opposed to "Let's discuss the various ways you've disposed of baby hamster carcasses while simultaneously humping your chairs" and that 's when another girl offered the following:
Student: Jessica Teacher, I want a baby sister.
Me: Oh... a baby sister isn't a pet...
Student: My mom says no because they shit all the time.
Me: Wha???
Student: Like a dog. Mom says no dog, no baby. My Mom doesn't want to clean shit.
Me: Ummm......yeah. Next page!!!
I love my job.
That's exactly why I don't want kids :)
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