Blah Blah Blah
Today I managed to convince my speaking class that I know everything. Absolutely every speck of knowledge in the universe is all tucked safely away in my brain. Anyone who's spent more than 2 seconds on this blog knows that that clearly isn't true, but hey, they bought it with very little effort on my part. I was totally prepared to bullshit, but when they started quizzing me I actually knew all the answers to their questions. My favorite question?? "TEACHER!!! Do you know the words to Michael Jackson's song Thriller?!?!?" Fuck yeah I do! So we sang it. After they were convinced I knew everything, I convinced them that my great wealth of knowledge was due to the fact that I don't eat anything white. Seriously. I don't. Milk, yogurt, mayonnaise (God, do I hate mayonnaise), it's all disgusting and I don't go near any of it. Oohh...I do like whipped cream, though!This week both of my kinder classes had to give presentations for their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, hamsters, goldfish and oh, get this - one of my kids brought her driver, and another one brought her housekeeper. Not the family's housekeeper, hers. For her bedroom and playroom. Good Lord. My students did great, especially Green class. I was so proud! Joseph's class totally tanked. Sucks for him!
Moving's a funny (to me, at least) story from work. One day I'm in class and my head teacher (Kevin) comes barging in and says "YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW!!" and I'm thinking to myself, "Fuck!! Am I getting fired? Am I on the next plane back to Newark or what??" He takes me into Joseph's classroom and points at one of the girls. No lie, she's 7 years old and wearing a shirt that says "Face down, ass up, that's the way I like to fuck!" She had no idea what it meant, just thought the picture of the deer with its' ass in the air was cute. HAHAHA! Man, did we bust a gut!
And listen to this - later, we told one of the Korean teachers what it said, you know, thinking maybe she could let the kid's mom know not to let her wear that shirt anymore. You know what the teacher said???
Teacher: "Face down, ass up, that's the way I like to fuck?? Really???"
Kevin and I: "Yeah."
Teacher: "Me too!!!"
Charming. In some areas of my life that would not be an out of place conversation at all, but we do not have the type of work environment where shit like that is said. It was awkward to say the least. Probably moreso for Kevin cause he had to drag my hysterically laughing ass out of there. So here's a picture of the shirt. It's a little hard to see, but you'll get the idea. Oh, and tomorrow's Friday!!! Woo Hoo!! Can I get a high five?!?!?

Oh, and did you guys see THIS??? At first, I thought I had accidentally ended up on The Onion instead of CNN. Sorry for the unsexy clicking you'll have to do, but I swear the headline alone is worth it!!!
What about Marshmellows? If i fucking spelled that wrong..sue me.
I hate Mayo too..puke.
well, you were close with the spelling. i still love ya.
marshmallows are fine if they're cooked (as in set on fire) or mixed with hot chocolate. which means they're not white anymore. :)
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Your plea for a "high five" makes you seem desperate! Makes sense though, I've never met a spelling Nazi that actually had friends.
I also had a friend who ate hot dogs with catsup and mayonnaise.
tg please. you're making me sick.
Oh my god! That shirt story is hilarious!!!
you must be losing weight if you don't like WHITE rice!!!
Have you ever gone to a Korean Bar and ordered the dried squid? Some places serve it with a mayo/tabasco mix as dipping sauce. Yummy!
I don't eat plain rice, but I will mix it with other things and eat it. Usually in the form of bibimbap, sometimes with grilled kimchi. Mmmmm!!!!!
I love dried squid!! but no sauce.
how about with butter? the squid that is....I took my cooleagues for a korean meal the other day, they weren't very impressed with raw squid in the hwoetopbab
even my uptight treasurer, who is both a cpa and financial lawyer, laughed at the shirt! and my staff rolled on the floor.
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