03 6월 2006

Friday Feast # 96

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how funny do you think you are?

To myself, or others? I amuse myself to no end, so definitely a 10 there. To others, probably a 5 or 6.

Name a local restaurant you would recommend to a visitor to your town or city.

Well, I don't know the name of it since I can't read Korean, but clearly it would be the galbi place right off of Yaksu station exit #6!!!

What's a lesson you were lucky enough to learn the easy way?

Unfortunately, I tend to learn everything the hard way. :( But if I remember 3rd grade correctly, I think multiplication came pretty easy to me.

Main Course
Where would you like to be 5 years from now?

Happy and healthy, obviously. I don't know where I'll be tomorrow...I can't even begin to imagine 5 years from now...

If you could see the front page of a newspaper from June 2, 2106, what would you imagine the headline might read?


Click here to dine.


At 2:33 오전, Blogger brownie said...

That'll be the headline in the National Enquirer, which never tells the truth.

At 5:10 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

Awesome desert!

At 12:27 오전, Blogger Kate Michele said...

LOL!! I'm with you... I don't think I've ever learned anything the "easy" way!!

At 7:55 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

What's the fun in learning stuff the easy way?


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