17 2월 2006

I looove tequila...too bad it doesn't love me back!!

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?

Do you suffer from shyness?

Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,
ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila.

Tequila is the safe, natural way to feel better and
more confident about yourself and your actions.
Tequila can help ease you out of your shyness
and let you tell the world that you're ready and
willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Tequila almost
immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses
you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you
from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the
past, (well shyness anyway) and you will discover
many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding
and start living, with Tequila.

Tequila may not be right for everyone. Women who
are pregnant or nursing should not use Tequila.
However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or
becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss
of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money,
loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table
dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth,
and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night
rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked

Tequila. Leave Shyness Behind.


At 11:17 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Sometimes I'll drink red wine & Tequilla....I stopped doing drugs many many years ago, but that combo it like stupid speed.

At 11:39 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

I did numerous shots of Tequilla with Koy Detmer one night after drinking many, many, MANY Killian's with Hank Fraley. Ugh. Can you say, open the passenger side door and puke 2 minutes after leaving the bar? I should know better than to mix.

At 11:42 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Eagles suck.

What time you getting to the bar on Saturday?

At 12:10 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

Tequilla is bad. Very, very bad.

At 1:10 오전, Blogger dayoldfish said...

Trojan+Tequilla+Red Wind=Fish with a very sore arm for a week

At 1:19 오전, Blogger brownie said...

A Koy Detmer mention, this blog really does suck.

At 1:21 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Probably around 2 or so. Not exactly sure, but I can let you know when I have a better idea.

At 1:29 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

By the way... we are going to Jamaica Sept 8th-15th, and we are getting married on the 10th.

At 3:44 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

oh yeah...i kinda beat people up..I really need to find a boxing gym for all my pent up frustration...or actually find a man...one or the other..

At 3:51 오전, Blogger dayoldfish said...

Troj, check out http://www.lordsboxing.com/ that is a local boxing gym, one of my friends was working out there. This chic trains there http://www.wban.org/biog/azamarron.htm

At 6:12 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Trojan, I'd go for the gym over a man any day.

At 6:23 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

There's a hot guy at my gym. I call him 'cute gym boy' It's been over a year and I still don't know his name. I think he's a boxer, though. Maybe you two should hook up and you can take care of all your frustrations.

At 6:51 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Fish...already on it thanks..

Jes..It's SO much easier finding a gym than a good man...no lie.

DNA....Gym always hire good looking guys/girls as "bait" for potential buyers...such a rip.

It would be a beautiful thing to have a wonderful guy and a boxing gym...I'm not holding my breath...

At 6:52 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Was i this cynical in my 20's??? Damn it.

At 12:18 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

A bartender is a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

--Abe Frohman

At 2:54 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Um...do you clean Blogs?

At 5:46 오전, Blogger SJ said...

Aaaah Tequila! Hey, did you eat the worm?

At 7:23 오후, Blogger Rafael said...

Isn’t Abe Frohman the sausage king of Chicago?

At 7:31 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

So what's going on over in Korea? Aren't you there now??

At 5:11 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Are you there yet!?!?..can you hear me now?


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