This is my favorite picture of my good friend Stof, taken back in December at the LVH3's Holiday Pub Crawl. When Stof and I first met we went on a date and I had a wonderful time and was very excited to see him again (I think I've mentioned that I have a thing for dorks...). Unfortunately he never called, and somehow managed to just vanish off the face of the earth. Jerk.
Over the next year and a half or so I ran into him sporadically, always when he came in to drink at the bar where I worked. It always sort of irked me that he had totally blown me off and then had the audacity to show up where I worked, expecting me to be happy to serve him. I was always very well behaved though, because I was working and, well, sober. The night this picture was taken was the first time I had seen him on "neutral" territory. Loyal fans may recall that the LVH3 pub crawl was the night I drank my own weight in Jager shots, washed them down with a pitcher or two of Lager, and wasn't exactly shy with the vodka and SoCo. I had to literally be carried out to QNL's car, which I don't remember at all, and I have absolutely no idea how I got from the car into QNL's house (Mom, you must be so proud!).
He's smiling in this picture which means it must of been taken before I casually stumbled my drunk ass over to him and proceeded to verbally assault him for quite some time about what a fuckhead he was for not calling, etc. etc. I was so definitely not cool, and although most people would never believe this I can be pretty mean at times. Turns out he thought we were just hanging out, was already involved in a pretty serious relationship, had never considered it a date, had no idea I thought it was a date, blah, blah, blah. Oops. My bad.
Anyway, lucky for me Stof is a very forgiving guy and on Monday he took me to The Franklin Institute. It was great. We saw the coolest Imax movie about the Apollo missions, and then I played with all the cool toys while he read every educational thing he could get his nerdy eyes on. I had such an awesome day. We've been spending alot of time together lately since although he assures me he has a job he never seems to be working and that fits perfectly with my daily schedule, which is basically to do anything possible to avoid having to pack and clean my room. Leaving him behind when I go to Seoul is going to make me very sad, indeed.
A green llama named Spot..fits you:)
It's been so long since we've been drunk together... Ah what fun. There are several nights that I don't recall the events to as well. I have a horrible drunk-dialing habbit, though...
Did you go through the walk-through human heart? I always liked that.
Of course. The big heart is the coolest thing about the Franklin Institute.
That would be a great place to dump a chick!
Stof could possibly be one of the coolest dorks ever...which is great considering jes deserves nothing but the best dorks...love my valentine guys, t'anks!
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