Well, not only did I survive nearly 36 straight hours in the truck with GAYLORD
(THE COOLEST HASHER IN THE WORLD) , we finally arrived to Austin, Tx late Thursday night and immediately began partying at Knaves' house. What started out as a few Knuckledraggers crashing there before the ride to TXIH turned into a pretty decent sized group of hashers, and before we knew it, we were drunk. :) I take ZERO responsibility for that, as Death By Dildo met me at the door with Jaeger shots.
Here are some photos. TXIH went off without much problems. Lots of mud the first day, and I've become quite adept at driving. For not having driven in the last 2 years, I put more miles under me in 36 hours than in 2 years in Korea. I even experienced that wonderful feeling of road rage!
oh yes....PHOTOS:
Gaylord yelling at me to "Get in the fucking truck now!!!!" Cause my ADD took over, and I wouldn't get in the truck and wasted like 3. 6 minutes at this gas station somewhere in central California. Shhhhheeeshhhhh! I also got yelled at for having the audacity to ask for some beef jerky. "Now you're just buying shit!!! Get in the truck!!" Retardo!

All Shaft, No Head. He said I got the looks in the family. I would have to agree.

Donnie the Retard and Gaylord Focker, waiting at the bar for some of the bad weather to pass. Donnie's 1st time riding with the Knuckledraggers, and he did a better job keeping his bike upright than some of the "hardcore" members. Slut dropped his bike not once...not twice...but 3 (!!!!!!) times!

Wet Spot and (MASSIVE) Slut Slinger. I wish SS was my hash space friend, but he won't add me. :(

These are a few photos from our beer/soda stop with the Knuckledraggers H3 M.C. and their 7th year of riding to TXIH. It was very wet. Luckily I was dry in the truck, and able to listen to my New Kids on The Block music!!!!...and the Humpty Dance....

Kit Kat and I at the campsite, Friday night. My shank was in my sleeve, and this is moments before I shanked her prison style...I also took out a couple other douchebags that deserved it. Kit Kat didn't deserve it, I was just showing her how to do it.

Thursday night at Knaves house, playing Beirut in the garage on the flimsiest table ever. That's Butter Bling in the middle, who was the reigning "Mr. Texas Interhash"

Friday morning, and the KDH3 hash is ready to roll. It's wet, we're hungover, little to no sleep, but they're going to ride. We go to breakfast and get some coffee, and waited for the weather to pass by. It was moving fast and already in Louisiana when we left breakfast.

Gagger, showing us why she gags sooo easily. Have you ever seen a tongue that huge? She is very popular in some circles. :)
Donnie the Retard, Gaylord Focker and All shaft, No Head. at the beer stop in Navasota, Tx.
I can't believe you already have your pics up! Oh man, such good times...I'm already ready for the next gathering. :)
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