26 3월 2008

Dear Miss Manners...

Is it poor freeloading etiquette to eat all of your hosts' Fritos Scoops? Or are such things expected of freeloading bums?


At 1:44 오후, Blogger achilles3 said...

uh der...
totally your JOB!

good work...I hope there was some chili around too

At 3:01 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

it's only poor etiquette if you don't go for the hat trick: eat all the chips, drink all the beer and use all the toilet paper.

At 6:30 오후, Blogger crom said...

HEY!!!! there better be frito scoops next time I make nachos!! I'm just saying. Uh....french toast!

At 11:15 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Depends on what you give in exchange:)

At 11:18 오후, Blogger Gagger said...

That's totally expected of freeloaders. The host should know better!

Sure hope you were dipping them in queso. Yummy.....

At 11:20 오후, Blogger Gagger said...

p.s. Will you be in Austin by May 1? My co-worker's band plays that night! ;)

At 4:25 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

That'll teach him to keep food around for you!

At 11:27 오전, Blogger Unknown said...

As a guest really you can eat it all. Including all condiments. However if you have eaten a tasty snack you must at one point repay your debt with either A) An equally tasty snack or B) Beer

At 5:56 오후, Blogger crom said...

Here here! I agree with Sim!

Where's my tasty cakes!???!?!


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