07 11월 2007

Is It Christmas Yet???

Already daydreaming about my trip, last night I was looking through some pictures from the last time I was in Thailand. Having learned my lesson the hard way, this time around I promise I will not be renting a motorbike and breaking my leg. I am, however, hoping to read alot of books, visit some meditation centers, and hash. Woo Hoo!! ON-ON TO CHIANG MAI!!!


At 2:43 오후, Blogger BTExpress said...

Oh come on. Go ahead and break a leg or two. Your young and heal quickly. Just make sure you break it doing something you'd be embarrassed to tell your family about.

At 12:42 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

Cute dress!

At 2:22 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

I agree..love the dress.

How long ago was your last visit there?

At 8:52 오전, Blogger Jes said...

BT - Unfortunately I'm not as young as I act! I'm gonna aim for no broken bones on this trip!! But, certainly, there will be behavior I'm embarrassed to tell my family about!

Trojan - It was a few years ago...maybe 2005? It's amazing and very inexpensive...if you ever have the chance to go, you should do it!


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