14 10월 2006


HAHAHAHA!!! My tiny, private, liberal arts, female college will probably revoke my degree for posting this, but it's just so damn FUNNY!! I took it from my brother's blog and he stole it from the show Drawn Together, which is not as good as other some other animated stuff out there (Family Guy, Simpsons, The Boondocks, etc...) but it does have moments of genius.

What do you call a vagina?

I call it a taxi, so I can roll over and get some sleep!



At 1:39 오후, Blogger RLB said...


At 1:53 오후, Blogger SJ said...


What do you call the useless flaps of skin around a vagina?

A woman ;)

At 5:05 오후, Blogger Jes said...

HAAAAA!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!


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