19 8월 2006

What color is your car?
Here in ROK I don't have a car...back in the states my transportation modes were as follows: I had a blue Jeep Liberty, a beautiful metallic charcoal Aprillia, an awesome red bike, and a royal blue kayak. My best friend is now enjoying all of my toys...and probably keeping them much neater than I ever did!!

If you could wake up tomorrow with full training in another occupation and a job in that field, what would it be?
Does "pirate" count as an occupation? How about Lance Armstrong's wife? Hmmm...I'm not really sure about this one. I wouldn't mind being a guide for some kind of serious adventure travel company...but it would have to be serious adventure not just taking a bus from one hotel to the next. I've also always wanted to be a spy...

How many times in your life have you had the flu (or something similar)?
I'm not sure...I usually don't get sick in the cold/flu sense. When my health decides to go bad, it goes seriously bad. Once I thought I had a really bad case of the flu, but it was just a hangover.

Main Course
What is something that has happened to you this week that you didn't expect?
Well, there was something involving a friend from the states...but it's private. Sorry.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was in 7th grade and it was after one of our middle school dances. I was all in love in that whole 7th grade kind of way. 2 weeks later at Billie Jo's slumber party I found out that 3 days after kissing me, he kissed my best friend! Such betrayal! It was big drama, because everything with middle school girls is big drama. I even took back the other half of our "best friends" necklaces! That was the first and last time I ever let a boy come between me and one of my friends!!

Dine For Yourself


At 10:45 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

You forgot to mention your Batmobile.

At 6:24 오전, Blogger Kate Michele said...

I had the best friends rings with the little charms that hang from them!!!

Middle school drama ahhh yes!! It was the beginning of 8th grade for me at a hayride!!

At 7:37 오전, Blogger SJ said...

Ok, now I'm imagining you dressed as a pirate... :)

At 12:48 오후, Blogger Pittchick said...

I remember those necklaces! A spy would be an interesting occupation.


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