S2H3 - PT's And Colonize's On-Out

Sunday morning Mic and I headed down to Youido for the hash. We had briefly debated skipping it, but it was PT and Colonize's on-out so we decided it would be really bad form to miss it, especially since both of them have gone out of their way to be nice to me since my very first day at Southside. Trail started in Youido Park but it wasn't long before we were outta the park and headed into the city. Wish I could tell you more about the trail, but after about five minutes Mic was like, "Hey, is that a Baskin Robbins over there, behind those trees, in the opposite direction everyone else is going?" I figured he owed me some ice cream since (1) it had been about 2 days since he showed up at my house with some, and (2) he had just "accidentally" punched me in the jaw during a brief wrestling match on the corner. After our Baskin Robbins stop we were so far off trail we couldn't find any hash marks, so we wandered for over an hour in the direction we thought we should be going in. We thought wrong, of course, and made it back just as everyone was circling up. Circle was good, we had tons of virgins (interpretive dance! interpretive dance!), tons of down-downs, and lots of great songs were sung. Southside isn't gonna be the same without PT and Colonize This (who's gonna randomly belt out, "IF I HAD THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE???)...but I'm sure hashing in the gulf will be a thousand times better with their arrival.
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