
I had a good weekend. Friday night I did absolutely nothing! It was soooo nice! Came home from work, went for a short run with a few hill repeats and then I showered and curled up in bed with the AC on full blast, put in Pan's Labrynth and did a few of my kindergarten progress notes. Highly recommend that movie, btw!
Saturday morning I had to work, so I put my time in there and left as soon as I could. I had plenty of things I should've been doing (cleaning, laundry, finishing my progress reports, working out...) but I didn't feel like doing anything that wasn't fun so I got ahold of Joel and we met at The Outback in Itaewon for lunch. Afterwards, we wandered over to one of the antique stores to check out a gorgeous chest he had bought recently and was waiting to have delivered. Then we wandered some more, this time back to his apartment for a few minutes before heading over to Bliss to help Teddy get ready for his birthday party. It turns out helping Teddy get ready meant I was stuck hanging wallpaper on Teddy's new addition while Joel sauntered back home to shower and make himself pretty! I was glad to help, though, and the new addition looks awesome! Everyone should go to Bliss immediately and check it out!
Joel, who has impeccable timing, managed to reappear about 2 seconds after everything was finished so I sat down with him and had a well deserved beer. Later that night we were joined by Franki and Ate Ball, and I'm not sure how it happened but Joel and Ate ended up demonstrating how to pole dance for us! Between that and the "Krispy Kreme" conversation I laughed until I nearly cried. Had a few more drinks and alot more great conversation, tried to prove that I was capable of being serious (I failed at that attempt, btw) and then ducked out early. I was home by 12:30...my mom would be so proud! Here's a few pics...Enjoy bitches!

I'm glad you had fun, but where's the pictures of you pole dancing!
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