23 5월 2006


This is Andrew, and I loooove him!! He is soooo funny! He's new to the school and doesn't know much English so all through class he just chatters away in Korean and doesn't seem to care that I have no idea what he's saying. Every now and then he'll pause and give me a look, like, "Why haven't you answered me?!?" So I just nod and smile and say, "Oh, yeah!!!" and he smiles and keeps talking. He must have recently seen the movie 'Madagascar' because today he entertained all of us by dancing and singing, "I like to move it, move it...I like to move it, move it..." His class is learning about family right now and one of the assignments was to draw and label the members of their family. Everyone else drew the typical mommy, daddy, sister, etc. but he drew a bunch of aliens standing on the moon and insisted that's where he came from. He only comes to class twice a week, but I wish I saw him everyday!!


At 12:40 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

well, he is cute, but not as cute as david.

did my stuff get to you yet?

At 1:18 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Maybe he is saying, "Beam me up, Scotty"

At 2:01 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

that kid rules

At 3:11 오전, Blogger BTExpress said...

LOL, sounds like your having a ball. Enjoy!

At 12:03 오후, Blogger Kate Michele said...

How cute is he???

At 9:31 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Love that first name!


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