Gimme a
C, Gimme an
H, Gimme an
A, Gimme an
O, Gimme an
S...What's that spell?
FIELD TRIP!!!! Yesterday we loaded all of our kindergarten classes into the vans and took them to the National Science Museum. Every now and then I'd pass my 7 year old class in one of the rooms and they'd be bursting with excitement. "Jessica Teacher!!! Biiiig shark and fish and see?!?!" And, "Teeeaaaccchhheeerrr!!! Caveman very funny!!" They were having a blast and I was so jealous of my teaching partner for getting to hang out with them all day. I was assigned to my 4 year old class, so my day went something like this: "Teacher, me no see!" and, "Teacher...teacher...
TEACHER!!!! JUSTIN PUSHING!!!" "Teacher! Me hot!" "Teacher! Bathroom!" "Me too!!!" "Me too!!!" "Me too!!" "Teacher hungry!!!" and "Teacher...Tom crying!!!" "Teacher! Me no like!" "Teacher!! My head is ouch!!" I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I was never so happy to return to school in all my life!
There were a few brief moments of non-fussiness, so here's a couple of pics of me, my teaching partner Rachel, and my kids.

Birth control....
uh...can Rachel be MY partner???
LOL.... My wife taught little ones for 34 years and I've heard this one more times than I can count.
Hey Jes! Miss you! What's the plan for your big shin dig on Friday??
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