Tuesday Night

Jae-ho has to give a presentation in English today. It's about superstitions. Did you know we cover our mouths when we yawn to keep evil spirits from getting in? I always thought it was just so we didn't look gross. I read over his presentation and it was fantastic, so I'm sure he'll do great! Good luck Jae-ho!!!

Your adorable, but I'm not real fond of that hooded thingy your wearing. And what is that guy in the first pic doing checking out your, uh, uh, you know?
Well, from now on I'll only be wearing that hooded thingy in the privacy of my own home. And I didn't notice Kim was checking out my, uh, you know until you pointed it out! He's so busted!! Pervert!!! :)
Please wear that to club night this Friday!
You guys can make fun all you want...I love it, and I'll be nice and toasty warm this winter!!!
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it rocks!! wear it Friday night!!
It might be a little hot. I mean temp wise, cause of course I'll be HOT no matter what I wear!!!! ha!
I don't think I've ever seen you in pink.
Well, if you're going to dress up like a fuzzy stuffed animal you might as well be a pink fuzzy stuffed animal...
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